
What remains of the First Modern Reporter

E' sfuggentemente forte

Traces of the BALZOV creature can be found since the beginnings of human civilization, even before written sources were available.

What we know

BALZOV is very difficult to observe, but it is known to follow its few witnesses, for this reason there are few and rough estimates of its resemblance, apart some key features, like its height and face. I’m in danger myself, writing these notes, I will write them quickly hoping BALZOV can’t enter my barricated home.

What I know

The other day I was out for my walk in the urban forest that we call city, there were many common animals in the streets, including the Common Consumer, the Oleaginous Mole, Superficial TikToker, but my goal was different today, that’s why I headed next to a wasteland. There I saw a promising sign, a Tavernello carton box with bites everywhere, not even one minute later I saw a shadow heading towards me… It was fleeing and strong, fleeingly strong, I would say.

What made me freeze was his face, I was able to look at it a second or so, but I won’t be able t oforget for the rest of my life… It was disgusting, both in shape and smell, I vomited in place… Twice. It had a vhjnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

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